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​Diffused Reflections

March 16 – April 20, 2018 Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, San Francisco, CA

Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts presents the 31st anniversary of Sólo Mujeres, Diffused Reflections. This powerful exhibition captures and reveals the diffused reflections caused by our rough political and social climate. The fifteen artists included in this exhibition are the light that hits the uneven surface, their art is the reflection we are viewing. Their artworks offer a reflected alternative to the unnoticed and at times invisible narratives that society fails to acknowledge. Diffused Reflections is a casting of images and representations; it is a moment of consideration and meditation for local, regional, and national artists to reflect and share their individual perspectives and communal narratives. is a moment of consideration and meditation for local, regional, and national artists.

Featured artists include: Jessica Alvarenga, Natalia Anciso, Sarah Castillo, Crystal Galindo, Ghazal Ghazi, Ester Hernandez, Sanaz Jamloo, Alex Martinez, Itzel Alejandra Martinez, Breena Nuñez, Alejandra Pérez, Yolanda Reyes, Sasha Silveanu, Maritza Torres, and Danielle Wright.


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